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Payment methods

Payment methods

Payment methods in Meridian Webshop:

  1. Card - credit / debit cards
  2. By payment order
  3. Cash on delivery
  4. PayPal

Online payment by Credit cards issued from each banks - automatic charge from credit card after your authorization of transaction, the customer's card is charged immediately for the appropriate amount.

  • Visa
  • Maestro
  • MasterCard
  • Visa Premium

For secure online payment via credit card Webshop Meridian Nautika d.o.o uses Online authorization system T-Pay Way.

Visa (PBZ and ZABA) - up to 12 installments
Maestro (PBZ) - up to 12 installments
MasterCard (ZABA) - up to 12 installments
Visa Premium (PBZ) - up to 6 installments
American (foreign bank card issuer) - up to 6 installments
Installment payment - with PBZ and ZABA cards
Installment payment - minimum amount €106.18

Payment order - You will receive informations for payment on registered email, then you have to pay appropriate amount in one of the financial institution, and after receipt of payment, Meridian nautika d.o.o. will deliver you the product that you purchased.

Cash on delivery - paymentwhen receiving the shipment.

PayPal payments


For reliable and safe shopping, and maximum protection of data in case of credit cards payment, we use the T-Com Pay Way online authorization system which applies the most modern standards of data protection - Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol with 128-bit encryption and MD5 algorithm. ISO 8583 protocol ensures that data exchange between T-Com System and the authorization centers of credit card companies is done in a private network which is protected from unauthorized access by double-layer "firewall" (firewall).


T-Pay Way connects the card issuer's authorization center online in real-time payment, where after an automatic check of the validity of the credit card, if the data is correct, the first authorization of the transaction is performed. At the same time, the Buyer and the Seller automatically receive confirmation information about the successfully completed order and credit card authorization to their e-mail address.

Meridian nautika d.o.o. upon processing the received order and upon receipt of notification of the completed authorization of the card and transaction by the bank, performs the final authorization and thereby charges the customer's account for the specified amount according to the offer.

If the data is incorrect, or there is another obstacle to the authorization of the credit card, the customer receives a notification about the refusal of the authorization.

With the described verification and authorization method, the T-com Pay Way system, which can be compared to a POS device in physical retail, prevents and limits access to data by unauthorized participants in the procedure. Only information related to the card and the cardholder is available to the bank, and hidden information about the content of the purchase is available.

Seller – Meridian nautika d.o.o. he only has insight into the information about the purchased items and the card owner, while the information about the credit card, account and account balance are completely inaccessible and invisible. TT-HT is in no way involved in the contractual relationship between the Buyer and the User that may arise through the online store (Article 8, Paragraph 9 of the Agreement).


All payments will be effected in Euro. The charged amount on your credit card account is converted into your local currency according to the exchange rate of credit card associations.